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George W. Bush: Found Guilty of War Crimes

Before I learned better, I had some hope in this guy.  But he is just as big a tool as any of the rest of them.  Including the current sellout in chief. The White House is getting nervous about its own c...
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Another Free Speaker: Jailed for Views

Meet Michael Weaver, a thirty-three year old man who is proud of his race and nation, expresses his views on controversial public policy and historical matters, and engages in political activism.  Just your ty...
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Bilderberg Group: Now Official History

The mask is coming off of the global 'elite'.  Take a look at this article from Intellihub: G. Edward Griffin explains in his lecture, “The Quigley Formula: A conspiratorial view of history as taught by...
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The Nightmare is Almost Over

Fire and Water This extensive article by David Wilcock is very interesting, and many of the statements here are consistent with much research I have done personally.  I am not familiar with Wilcock until h...