I admit the lede for this article is provocative. Would you be surprised if I told you that it didn't surprise me at all?
Here is a video from 2010 that PolicyMic wrote about last week in which actor...
Every breath you take,
Every move you make,
Every smile you fake,
Every claim you stake,
I'll be watching you.
- The NSA and the IRS
Everyone. Every single citizen is r...
In the words of the world famous fictitious character, Inigo Montoya:
You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Today's lesson is on Government.
Yesterday, another privacy based service bit the dust. This time, it was CryptoSeal, a privacy based VPN. The surveillance state is sweeping the nation.
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I challenge you to read this article by Paul Rosenberg at Freeman's Perspective and you may never think about student loan debt the same ever again.
I’m sorry. You’re entering a...
Hegelian Dialectic is the primary mechanism by which humanity has been manipulated for the better part of at least the last century.
Learn more about Hegelian Dialectic.
This man strays quite a bit from t...
I have to admit. I'm getting a little tired of all the staged police violence. NWO loves Hegelian dialectic. So they amplify the problem until everyone is looking for a solution. And like clockwork, they roll...
In light of the upcoming global March Against Monsanto, I offer the etymology lesson for the day: Monsanto.
Monsanto is a biotech company that makes many claims.
But what does the name actually mean?