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Activism or Passivism

If you are not an Activist, you are a Passivist.  But what is that? Symptoms of being a Passivist are: Willingness to let things happen to you whether they are good for you or not. Lack of courage to st...
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Laundry Detergent Naming Discussion

Please add your handle below and list some names you'd like us to consider for our laundry detergent product. Mercury Liberty Laundry Detergent EthiClean Laundry Detergent AgoraClean Laundry Detergen...
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March Against Drones, September 11, 2013

This is the content of the speech I delivered during the March Against Drones in Phoenix, AZ on September, 11th: I'd like to begin by referencing the Preamble to the Constitution: We the people of the Unite...
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Thoughts on Ethics

Ethics.  Inspired by There are no ethical or unethical people.  Only ethical or unethical actions. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Ethics. An ethical act increases resources, creativit...