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Common Core: Pedophilia Porn on Reading List?

I came across this today.  If this is true, it makes me re-think why they made me read Catcher In The Rye when I was in high school in the 90's. If this is true, school reading lists have surely changed for...
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Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is said to have many health benefits.  Among the downsides is the fact that people will say that you smell like garlic if you eat too much of it, and in extreme cases, may even avoid you.  This may...
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Tessa Rose Explains: What Anarchy Isn’t

Please take a few minutes and listen to Tessa Rose, wife of Larken Rose, explain what Anarchy isn't.   Anarchy Does Not Mean: No coopera...
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The Good Guys: Outnumber Bad Guys

The good guys outnumber the bad guys. The bad guys have more money though, and can hire some very smart intellectual whores. But remember that money is a tool used by the Enemy of humanity.  It is a form of...
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Lavabit: Secure Email Provider Shut Down

Breaking News: Customers of the secure email provider,, woke up on Wednesday and could not access their accounts.  At the time, the site's service availability page stated that the service w...