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Rabbit Meat, Protein on the Cheap

In our society today, we are so disconnected from our food.  We don't grow it.  We don't know people who grow it.  Maybe we go to a farmers market,...
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Upcoming Meetups

We are still working out our strategy for improving and building local, independent and autonomous economies all across the world. Until we get our...
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Adam Kokesh March

It's a little later than I normally post these things but
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Free Web Hosting For Activists

We are now offering basic web hosting for free to those in the Local Voluntary community who are working tirelessly to fix this broken world, NOW. ...
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Registration is Now Available

Now, you can register for an account on this site. Registration has the following benefits: Gives us a way to contact you with information abou...
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Bitcoin and WordPress

I try to keep up with current events, but sometimes I get a little behind.  It is sufficiently late in the evening that I cannot guarantee anything, ...
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Have a Good Weekend

Have you ever heard someone say "Have a good weekend?" We do not have good weekends.  We create them. And why are we supposed to only have a ...
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The Problem with Wal Mart

I walked into a Wal Mart recently and saw a plaque.  This plaque said that this local Wal Mart dedicated something like 10 million dollars to the com...